
Our early childhood programs are built around the natural rhythms of everyday life, practical activities, storytelling, puppet play, outdoor play, and healthy sensory experiences to foster imagination and physical development.

The World of Waldorf Kindergarten

When a child steps into the Waldorf Kindergarten, he or she is received with reverence, gratitude and love and these are the qualities we strive to nurture in the children towards the world and all that is around it. Each child is provided with unhurried time and opportunity to develop holistically. In the Kindergarten there is no formal academic learning that happens. Instead the kindergarten years are invested to prepare the child for the next stage of development and education. These years are utilized to sow seeds of later learning, lay foundation for skills required for academic success and provide a holistic development of the child.

The Beauty of the
Kindergarten classrooms

The Kindergarten classroom at Aritram is designed to make the child feel as if it is an extension of its home. It comes alive with beautiful, natural and hand-made objects. The child is allowed to soak into a sense of wonder and imagination by providing them a secure, natural and loving ambience.

Activities in Kindergarten

The Kindergarten kids spend their day with free play, listening to stories, finger plays, baking, cooking, circle time, cleaning, drawing, painting amongst other handwork and practical activities. Every day, irrespective of the weather, the Kindergarten kids play outdoors and engage in the natural world. There are daily, weekly, monthly rhythm that are followed along with beautiful punctuation’s with various cultural celebrations all through the year. All this in the loving and gentle presence of the Kindergarten teacher.

The purpose of a
holistic Kindergarten

Every child who has had such a nourished kindergarten will not only flourish in the grades and enjoy the school experience all the way through but will be equipped with lifelong skills and confidence to traverse their life joyfully.
